Tag: 2001
Death In June-Rose Clouds Of Holocaust
First release date : 20/05/1995 Personnel : Douglas P., Max Wearing, Simon Norris, Rose McDowall, David Tibet, Campbell Finley Release notes :This album was conceived at The Blue Lagoon, Iceland, Midsummers Night, 1990, pondered its birth in the Hills of South Australia and finally saw The Light of Night in the English Countryside, Christ-Mass Eve, 1994. Engineered at Jacob’s Studios, Farnham, England during April, October, November and December, 1994 except Lord Winter, Omen-Filled Season & Luther’s Army engineered at Big Sound Studios, Adelaide, Australia, October, 1994. Previous Next…
Death In June-All Pigs Must Die
First release date : 23/11/2001 Personnel : Douglas Pearce, Andreas Ritter, Campbell Finley, Boyd Rice Original tracklist : 1. All pigs must die 2. Tick Tock 3. Disappear in every way 4. The enemy within 5. We said destroy II 6. Flies have their house 7. With bad blood 8. No pig day (some night we’re going to party like it’s 1969) 9. We said destroy III 10. Lords of the sties 11. Ride out! Previous Next Edition : 1Release date : 23/11/2001Format : CD DigipakReference : LEPER CD…
Death In June-But, What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?
First release date : 1992 Personnel : Douglas P., Simon Norris, James Mannox, Campbell Finley, Michael Cashmore, David Tibet Release notes : LP : 1st edition in purple LP, 3000 copies 2d edition in black LP, 2000 copies 3rd edition in blue LP, 300 copies, released in 1997 for the USA tour. CD Digipack edited in 1992 was limited to 5000 copies with golden CD Previous Next Edition : 1Release date : 1992Format : LP / Black vinylReference : BAD VC 36Label : New European Recordings / World Serpent DistributionBarcode…
Performances:149-2001-DECEMBER-12-CZECH REPUBLIC-PRAGUE@-
Infos Setlist
Infos +TRIBE OF CIRCLE +LJDLP Setlist SMASHED TO BITS ALL PIGS MUST DIE KAMERASCHAFT WE SAID DESTROY II DISAPPEAR IN EVERY WAY THE ENEMY WITHIN TICK TOCK http://www.heimdallr.ch/Live%20Reports/2001/Brusselsfr.html Death In June – Tribe of Circle – Les Joyaux de la Princesse Bruxelles – 1er Décembre 2001 L’étape belge de la tournée When All Else Fails… de Der Blutharsch semblait très prometteuse, on avait l’impression que quelque chose d’exceptionnel allait se produire… En effet, on a rarement l’habitude de voir Tribe of Circle, Les Joyaux de la Princesse et Der Blutharsch…
Infos Setlist
Interview by Simone This is a question I’ve been asking to quite a few bands in the last times: 20 years are passed! If you look back to the very beginning of Death In June, what are your feelings, do you have any regrets, is there something you’d like to change? In the 20 years of Death In June’s existence the only true and deep regret I have is that I didn’t get Death In June, and of course the entire NER/Twilight Command catalogue, away from World Serpent Distribution sooner…
Interview:2001-Pagan Dance
Ende 2001 feiert Death In June sein 20-jähriges Jubiläum. Allein das wäre schon Grund genug, Douglas P. einige Fragen zu stellen. Außerdem gibt es noch ein weiteres wichtiges Ereignis – das Erscheinen des neuen Albums “All Pigs Must Die”. Aus diesem Anlass haben wir den Meister über die Hintergründe dieser Veröffentlichung ausgefragt und dabei kamen Geschehnisse ans Licht, die dieses Interview schon vor seinem Erscheinen zum Auslöser intensiver Diskussionen machte. ” All Pigs Must Die” scheint eine Abrechnung mit Bestehendem und der Beginn einer neuen DIJ-Ära zu sein. Inwieweit entspricht…
Interview:2001-Polish Interview
This are the answers to questions from a Polish magazine, whose name escapes me, asked in 2001. I’m sure your imaginations can fill in the blanks of the missing questions! I never got to see a finished copy so I can only assume this was published somewhere in Poland in late 2001/early 2002: 1. I dont feel the 2 are related whatsoever. Apocalyptic is a word used by others not by me! Anyway, I never believed in putting Death In June in any sort of musical genre or ghetto and…