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You met each other in 1975. How exactly ? Well, if my memory is correct it was on a coach to London from Woking to attend a anti-Fascist event. As neither of us had comb overs or beards i think we kind of gravitated together. As shows « UK79 », chosen for our cd sampler, most of Crisis music was very genuine punk rock. Did you feel close to other punk bands of the time ? Not really. I suppose on the political level it was the The Clash. I think both Doug and…


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You met each other in 1975. How exactly ? I think it was about late 1975 at either an anti-fascist demonstration or a meeting of leftist groups in Woking, my home town. By then Tony and I were involved in different Trotskyist groups and we were probably obliged to turn up at these meetings no matter how boring they normally were. Because we were the youngest representatives there of the new far left we got to talking. If my memory serves me well, and it may not, we were also both…


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Interview:2008-Judas Kiss

Balladeer of Doom – An interview with Douglas P., Part I Written by Helene Burkholder An interview with Douglas P., Part I Put yourself in my shoes, if you will: I get to do my first interview ever (a nerve-wracking experience in itself), and it happens to be with Douglas P., the man derrière le masque of Death in June. No sweat! … Preparing my questions, I had 517 butterflies (I counted them) in my stomach – I’m a huge fan of Death in June, albeit a more recent one,…


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INTERVIEW WITH DOUGLAS P./DEATH IN JUNE (Aldo Chimenti for Rockerilla) 1. The new album “The Rule Of Thirds” comes after 3 years from “Alarm Agents” and it marks a change in your songwriting, most acoustic psych-folk orientated between Velvet Underground and Syd Barrett. Is it a new beginning, a new feeling? In truth, I feel it’s the first really brand new Death In June album since ‘All Pigs Must Die’ in 2001. I didn’t write any of the lyrics to ‘Alarm Agents’ as I left that hard task up to…


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Interview:2008-Herz Und Geist

Interview with Death In June / Douglas P. (Aldo Chimenti for Herz Und Geist) 1.“The Rule Of Thirds” came out after about 7 years from “All Pigs Must Die” and 3 years from “Alarm Agents”. When did you know that it was the right time for a new Death In June album? Words and music kept going through my mind and declaring themselves so I had to take notice. I knew the Muse was gradually stirring after the last World tour in 2005 and it was only a question of…

